
open fun createSpan(name: String, autoTerminationMode: AutoTerminationMode = AutoTerminationMode.NONE): EmbraceSpan?

Create an EmbraceSpan with the given name that will be the root span of a new trace. Returns null if the EmbraceSpan cannot be created given the current conditions of the SDK or an invalid name.

Note: the EmbraceSpan created will not be started. For a method that creates and starts the span, use startSpan

abstract fun createSpan(name: String, parent: EmbraceSpan?, autoTerminationMode: AutoTerminationMode = AutoTerminationMode.NONE): EmbraceSpan?

Create an EmbraceSpan with the given name and parent. Passing in a parent that is null result in a new trace with this EmbraceSpan as its root. Returns null if the EmbraceSpan cannot be created, e.g if the parent has not been started, the name is invalid, or some other factor due to the current conditions of the SDK.

  • Note: the EmbraceSpan created will not be started. For a method that creates and starts the span, use startSpan