
public class EmbraceSamples

Helps to verify and test embrace SDK integration. it allows users to execute code that automatically verifies the integration by calling the verifyIntegration method. It also provides example code to generate ANR and JVM/NDK crashes


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public final static Unit causeNdkIllegalInstruction()

Throws a ndk SigIllegalInstruction

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public final static Unit throwJvmException()

Throw a custom JVM crash to be part of current session.

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public final static Unit triggerAnr()

Force a short ANR that lasts 4 seconds

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public final static Unit triggerLongAnr()

Force a long ANR that lasts 30 seconds

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public final static Unit verifyIntegration()

Starts an automatic verification of the following Embrace features:


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public final static EmbraceSamples INSTANCE